App Main features

All on your mobile-phone

It can be really time-consuming and discouraging having to spend hours getting to and fro just to earn a few minutes of care. Get cared for from your own comfort and spend your time where it really matters.

All evidence-based

Information keeps evolving and everyone is trying to market their products to you at all costs. Gathering trusty info over the internet can be time-consuming and misleading. We’ve got your back on this. All the info that you need to be tailored to your case.

Made by humans for humans

Quitting smoking can be difficult and it’s a journey full of ups and downs. Unlike other apps, this isn’t just a task-based app, a devoted empathetic specialist is there to walk beside you step by step.

FREE for all Users

We believe it is your right to get affordable care.
something that you can trust and benefit from.
Spare some money to celebrate
your accomplishments!

How it works

The application supports smokers with medical expertise and follow-up in three stages, the first is to know more about what you will face during the quit journey, then to prepare yourself physically and mentally to start quitting, then the third and final stage is to get rid of this killer, with the help of specialized doctors at every moment to ensure the success of this journey and safe and comfortable life for you and your beloved.


Complete a short questionnaire to better understand your situation.


Pick your quit date and start learning how smoking affects different aspects of your life.

Get in touch

Talk to the tobacco dependence treatment specialist and discuss your plan and desires.

Web app WordPress theme
Web app WordPress theme


Now that you've got your plan, start preparing for your next accomplishment!

Take Action

Keep going! complete your daily tasks and log your daily successes and lapses.

Keep Going

Keep learning from the daily updated content and methods of dealing with lapses and relapses.


Everyone can start smoking for different reasons, and everyone wants to quit smoking for different reasons as well. We understand it! We have customized our app for your needs. There is always a place for you here!


Covid survivor or afraid from how ur smoking can affect your odds of getting sick from covid?

Pregnancy and Labor
Pregnancy and Labor

Pregnant or want to get pregnant?

Passive Smoking
Passive Smoking

Worried about how your smoking can affect your kids and family?

 Health issues
Health issues

Having a breathing or heart problem and your doctor keeps asking about your smoking status?

Financial issues
Financial issues

Fed up with how much money you're spending on cigarettes and wanna spare some bucks?


Smoking is preventing you from living your desired healthy lifestyle?

How much does it cost?

All services provided through the application are completely FREE ! We believe in the importance of providing smoking cessation services to all at an acceptable cost. This app will be your friend; Available for free, but priceless!

Frequently asked questions

My coach recommended the use of nicotine replacement therapies/champix, where can I get it?

Nicotine replacement therapies and other medications like champix are available in some pharmacies around you. The coach can suggest some places for you if you couldn’t find any.

Who are we?

We are a group of dedicated IT, management, and medical professionals. We gathered all our efforts to bring you the care you deserve on your way to quit smoking.

Who is my coach?

Hi my name is Karim Sawalha, I am a medical doctor who graduated from the University of Jordan, and a tobacco treatment specialist accredited by the King Hussein Cancer Center and the Council of Tobacco Treatment Training Programs (CTTTP). I'm dedicated to integrating the best medical evidence in the practice of tobacco dependence treatment.

One more cig?

We want you to not be worried at all; we will carry the stress of smoking one more cigarette with you. Gradual reduction of cigarettes is an option, cutting off cigarettes all for once is also an option, and we will help you pick the best options that best fits you. Smoking cessation is a journey, let's walk together!

How can this app benefit me

Whether you're serious about quitting and looking for a medical professional to help you, or you're just trying to understand your stance better, this is the app for you. This app will provide you with the latest scientific info and behavioural methods that can aid your quitting. You'll also benefit from a supervised quitting plan, all for free!

Can I use e-cigs or argeeleh instead?

All forms of tobacco are harmful and no other form of tobacco is successful in aiding your efforts. But we have better options that have been proven to work, let's give it a try!

How trustworthy is the info you provide?

All the info is evidence-based and is based on reviewed medical literature. Experienced medical professionals have been involved throughout all the phases of the making of this app. Info is also continuously updated. Don't worry, we've got your back ;)!

How are you better than the other apps on the store?

Our app was made by people who believe tobacco dependence treatment services should be available to all jordanians. Experienced Jordanian tobacco treatment specialists were involved in the making of this app based on pure scientific info. We don't just give you an app that tracks your progress, we walk with you all the way, providing you with up-to-date scientifically proven methods.

How much do you charge?

All the features in this app are FREE OF CHARGE.

Do you guarantee a successful abstinence?

We are medical professionals; we do not promise a magical solution, instead we are dedicated to providing you with the best evident methods to help you achieve your best next life decision.

Seen enough already?

Download the app now, and start your journey to a FREE of smoking safe and secure life for you and your beloved.

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